
23 km, 18 minutes drive from here.

The Cascades du Sautadet are a series of spectacular waterfalls formed by the Ceze river, just below La Roque sur Cèze.

The site is very beautiful and it is a popular swimming spot. Be careful –  swimming is forbidden in the waterfalls because of the danger – strong currents and eddies regularly cause fatal injuries to the unwary. Safer swimming is a little further downstream.

Les Cascades du Sautadet

30 km, 36 minutes drive from here for Aiguèze

45 km, 55 minutes drive from here for Vallon Pont d’Arc

Between Vallon Pont d’Arc and Aiguèze/St. Martin d’Ardèche, there are 32 kilometres of spectacular gorges. It took more than a hundred million years for the waters of the Ardèche river to carve out this deep canyon. The result is astonishing: limestone cliffs which can reach heights of 300 metre and the natural wilderness remains unspoilt…

Aiguèze is a gem, with spectacular views over the Ardèche.

From us, you can drive the circuit – a must do.

Gorges de l’Ardèche

45 km, 55 minutes drive from here

At Vallon Pont d’Arc, close to the original Grotte de Chauvet, an exact copy of the cave has been created in order that visitors can see this extraordinary collection of paintings, drawings and engravings.

Plateau du Razal, 07150 Vallon-Pont-d’Arc

04 75 94 39 40

Grotte de Chauvet

Description of the Cave

22 km, 30 minutes drive from here

The Grotte de la Salamandre is a huge cavern with light shows and activities for all of the family.

30430 Méjannes-le-Clap – Longitude : 4.3402 – Latitude : 44.258123

The Grotte is in St. Privat de Champclos, but is only accessible from Méjannes le Clap.

04 66 600 600

Grotte de la Salamandre

9 km, 15 minutes drive from here

Located between Verfeuil and Lussan, the Concluses is both a series of long wild gorges, and at the same time a rocky landscape created over time, by the Aiguillon, a dry river-bed in summer, but prone to flooding during heavy rainfall mainly in the autumn.
The view is breathtaking in all directions.

The Concluses can be easily reached by foot, one of many walking circuits you can do from the house.

The Pierre Plantée is a menhir, more than 5 metres high, close by the Concluses.

Les Concluses

37 km, 40 minutes drive from here.

The Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge built in the first century AD to carry water to the Roman town of Nîmes.
It crosses the Gardon River near the town of Vers-Pont-du-Gard. The highest of all Roman aqueducts, and one of the best preserved.
The Gardon is deep at the site, which makes it a lovely place to cool down in the heat of the summer.

Pont du Gard

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